Space for Expressing Milk
The space must at least have a place for the mother to sit and a flat surface in which to place the pump. In addition, the space must have a door that locks (or a sign that designates that the space is in use) and windows must be covered. Smaller employers may use partitions/screens to designate an area. There doesn't appear to be any rulings that require the space to have a sink or refrigerator or other accommodations.
Reasonable Break Time
According to the DOL, lactation breaks will last from 15-20 minutes, however, actual times may vary depending upon the speed of the pump, how long it takes to clean up, distance to a refrigerator/sink etc. The number of breaks in a normal 8 hour shift will also vary depending upon how old the child is and if they are also eating solid food which would decrease the number of expressions needed.
According to the DOL, employers who have less than 50 employees will not have to comply with the law if it creates an "undue hardship" in difficulty or expense. However, don't hang your hat on this because the employer needs to demonstrate that a hardship exists before the DOL will grant a waiver and they will sue employers on behalf of lactating mothers.